Purchasing the correct auto insurance policy and getting an affordable package may take a bit of comparison shopping. Many insurance providers offer low rates only when more than one type of coverage is included.
Car insurance for young male drivers is likely to be more expensive unless a defensive driving course has been completed. When a new car purchase is considered drivers should check out rates offered by various companies for the preferred make and model.
Research Before Purchase
Some individuals will take a trip to the car dealership, pick a model and then try to secure insurance before driving their new purchase off the lot. Often the dealer partners with a number of providers but this does not guarantee the best possible insurance rates. If a particular make and model of car has been chosen the next step is to do some comparison shopping online. Numerous quotes can be viewed and any special information about the vehicle trim, added options and safety features can be entered. A final quote can be obtained before the car is ever purchased.
Changing Policies To Save Money
If an individual feels his or her insurance rates are too steep, a comparison site may also be the best place to start searching. Often a lower quote can be obtained but the new policy may require a substantial down payment. It is up to the individual shopper to decide whether to save money now rather than save over the next six or twelve months.
Most online comparison sites allow the shopper to build a custom policy from scratch. This means entering different deductible amounts for collision and comprehensive insurance, finding out what happens to the monthly premiums if PIP is added, and if there is a cost increase if the down payment is small. Car insurance for young drivers can be made more affordable if only the minimum amount of liability required is purchased. However the collision and comprehensive coverage may actually be more expensive unless additional liability coverage is added.
Adding A Teen Driver To An Existing Policy
It is always advisable to contact the agent and ask about adding a teen driver. If the youth will be driving the same vehicle that is already insured the rates are not likely to increase significantly. A car driven by a teen yet registered in the name of the parent will also cost less to insure.
Using an online comparison site is also useful because any quotes given will reflect state auto insurance laws. Whatever is required in a particular state, such as PIP or uninsured motorist protection will automatically be figured in.